Cows and Bulls!

Nasty error message here.

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- Objective: The goal of the game is for you to uncover the secret number chosen by Khaz the bull.
- Khaz will think of a secret n-digit number, and you must attempt to guess that number.
- In each turn, you provide Khaz a n-digit number as your guess.
- Khaz then provides feedback on the guess using two terms: "Cows" and "Bulls."
- If the matching digits are in their right positions, they are "bulls", if in different positions, Khaz calls them "cows". For example, if the secret number is 4271, and your guess is 5241, you have 2 "bulls" and 1 "cow".
- You continue to make guesses, and Khaz will continue to provide feedback until you run out of guesses. For a n-digit number, Khaz will give you 2n guesses.
- Do bear in mind that Khaz is a sore loser, and a jubilant and rub-it-in-the-face winner. Take him with a grain of salt.
- The textbox ignores all keystrokes that are not numbers, enter, and backspace.