Hi. I'm Vasudev. This website functions as a repository of some of my noteworthy projects and musings.
A computer algebra system.
A desmos applet that simulates the formation of images when an object
is placed between two mirrors fixed at an angle to each other.
A calculator to solve for all parameters of a triangle, given a few.
A desmos applet that simulates how the refraction of light causes the
depth of an object as seen through an optical interface to be perceived differently.
A desmos applet that simulates the refraction of light through a
curved interface.
Gawp at this for a couple of hours every day, and you might just have
the eureka moment. A derivative of work done by Daniel Shiffman from The Coding Train.
A guessing game where players try to deduce a secret number by guessing and receiving feedback on correct digits and their positions.
A word descrambler.